Students & Parents
Motto: Be the One!
Mission Statement
To provide rigorous, relevant, student-centered education that will equip all students with the essential skills necessary to succeed after graduation.
To pursue and exemplify excellence in secondary education.
We believe in caring for students. This takes both courage and humility, but there is no substitute for demonstrating genuine positive regard for our students, in and out of the classroom. More than anything else we do, caring for students must inform and suffuse the culture of our school;
We believe in high expectations for ourselves and our students. Everyone accomplishes more in an environment where much is expected. Our school must set high standards, model excellence, and equip our students with the tools to excel;
We believe in instructional collaboration and reflection. The best teachers constantly evolve, and sharing with colleagues and reflecting on instructional practice are essential in our own continuous growth and improvement. Teachers in our school must be given the opportunity to collaborate with their colleagues and perfect their craft;
We believe in forging community among all stakeholders. Timely communication with parents and strategic involvement of community leaders generally yield positive results. To be a positive force in our community, we must reach out in good faith to stakeholders outside the walls of our school;
We believe in giving students multiple opportunities to succeed. Much depends on the success of our students, both during their high school years and in the years that follow. With that sobering reality in mind, our school must work tirelessly to ensure that all students have ample opportunity to learn and demonstrate that learning.
Continuous School Improvement Plan
Our continuous school improvement plan highlights our instructional data and outlines our goals for each academic year.