CLASS OF 2028... We are hosting an 8th grade night to celebrate the end of your middle school journey! We are getting the t-shirts ready and the pizza will be hot! Pay your $20 to Mrs. J.Lee or pay on My School Bucks. For $20 you will get, a brand new class of 2028 t-shirt, a sharpie, pizza, and a coke. You will have access to gaming consoles and arcade games during the party! Stay after school with us on May 20th from 3-5pm to make memories and say your goodbyes for summer! We can't wait!

All Chromebooks are due tomorrow! They will be turned in to the student's first-period teacher.

Last week, our Future Business Leaders of America competed in the Shelby County Schools FBLA competition with other middle schools in our district. Students competed in several presentation categories and test categories. Congrats to the following students who placed among their peers:
Computer Science:
2nd-Kaity J. and JJ P.
3rd-Kaleb W.
Digital Citizenship
1st-Harmonie P.
2nd-Blair S.
3rd-Donovan B.
Business Etiquette
1st-Katelyn B.
Career Exploration
3rd-Kinsley B.
Exploring Business Issues
1st-Laila W.
2nd-Victor L.
3rd Aubrey L.
Marketing Mix
2nd-Davi M. and Kyla W.
Multimedia and Website Development
3rd-Anna S. and Avery W.
Video Game Challenge
2nd-Christian S. and AJ M.
Great Work Everyone!

Mrs. Odom's class said goodbye to their pond projects today! 7th graders have been nurturing these habitats for two weeks!

We would like to recognize Ms. Sheri Stinnett as the Shelby County Schools Support Staff of the Year in the Custodial Division. Ms. Sheri is such a ray of sunshine in our school! She is such a hard-worker, and we could not have picked a better person to receive this honor! We are proud of you! #Flyasone

We are having a donut sale on Tuesday, 4/30, starting 5th period until they are gone. You can purchase FRESH Krispy Kreme donuts for $2 or $15 for a dozen. You can pre-buy a dozen from Mrs. J. Lee or buy the day of from Mrs. Frazier. Don't miss out on a fun snack!

2024-2025 Registration is live! Please see the graphics for more information!

On Friday night, our baseball team played in the Southern Conference Championship Game against John Carroll! The eagles were able to bring home a championship for Calera Middle! We are so proud of you all for everything that you have accomplished this season! #FLYASONE

We would like to recognize Reignan Evans for her RECORD BREAKING track season! She has broken more than one record for Shot Put this season, and has had multiple first place finishes in Shot Put and Discus! She also participates in other events as well! Go Reignan! #FLYASONE

We would like to shout out our track team for their second place ranking in the Southern Conference Championship Track Meet! We are so proud of everyone for their hard work this season! #Flyasone

Dance Team Tryouts are coming up for upcoming 7th and 8th graders see the picture for details.

Congrats to our TSA students on placing FIRST at the University of Alabama Robotics Competition this weekend! #FLYASONE

ACAP Updates & Reminders! Testing starts on Monday. Please charge your Chromebooks this weekend!

Our Special Olympic Athletes had a great time, and a lot of success at their track and field meet! We are so proud of them! They bring so much joy to everyone that they meet! #FLYASONE

Learn how to keep your kids safe online and set boundaries for cell phone use at Compact's Parent Night: Cell Phone Safety for Youth!
Date and time:
Thursday, April 4;
6:00pm - 7:30pm CDT.
1123 County Services Drive, Pelham, AL 35124.
About this event:
Duration - 1 hour 30 minutes.
Reserve your spot on eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/compact-parent-night-cell-phone-safety-for-youth-tickets-862977548077.
View Facebook Event - https://www.facebook.com/share/hCPquoFw7Nrj6VLv/?mibextid=9l3rBW.

Attention 6th and 7th Graders!!!!

We solved a mystery 🔍🧬🥼 Today kids in Ms. Molan’s 7th Grade Science Class learned about a virus that threatened to take over the entire world, but with their knowledge of genetics, mitosis, and parts of the cell, they saved the day!

Do you like to build things with your hands?
Girls Can Camp is a 3-day, hands-on camp for current 8th, 9th, & 10th grade girls featuring carpentry, welding, and electrical specialties. Learn to operate power tools, wire outlets/switches, and weld metal together with fire all while completing your very own take-home projects!
Check out the attached flier for more information or visit https://www.shelbyed.k12.al.us/page/career-and-technical-education.
Apply at bit.ly/GirlsCanApplication. Application deadline is Friday, March 22nd.

Cheerleading Interest Meeting for upcoming 7th and 8th Graders. See the flyer for details!

DRESS SALE TONIGHT FROM 4-6PM! All dresses $25! Anyone is welcome!