Applicant Information

How to Apply
Complete the online application and submit all required supporting documents to apply for a position.
After completing your application, you can apply for jobs through the “Jobs” tab on the application platform.
Once your application is submitted, you can log in anytime to update your information.
You can use the same application to apply for multiple positions.
Technical Support
For technical support with completing your application, please contact support.
Preliminary Interview | Certified Positions
A preliminary interview is a requirement for certified positions. Qualified applicants will be invited to complete the preliminary interview.
Apply for a preliminary interview by using the search term "Preliminary Interview" within our application platform and submit your application.
Appointment to a position is made by the Board of Education after a candidate has verbally accepted a contract offer, has submitted the required documents, and has passed a criminal background check:
Background Check Instructions
Alabama State Department of Education
Step 1: Create an AIM Account
Step 2: Complete Background Check Registration in AIM
Step 3: Create Fieldprint Account
Step 4: Complete authorization forms, schedule appointment, and fee payment
Step 5: Report for fingerprint appointment